Kode Buku : 230709
Kode Klasifikasi : 005.1
Judul Buku : Software engineering a practitioner's approach
Edisi : I
Penulis : Roger s. Pressman
Penerbit : McGraw-Hill
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2001
ISBN : 0-07-365578-3
Tajuk Subjek : Software engineering
Deskripsi : xxvii, 860 hlm, : 25 cm
Eksemplar : 3
Stok : 3
Petugas Input : Suagam. S.Kom
In the fifth edition, the book has undergone major design changes, substantial content updates, and expansion to 32 chapters that address every important topic in what many have called " The engineering discipline of the 21st century." The format and style of the book have been completely revised to make it even more reader-friendly. in addition, a major new website, provides comprehensive software engineering resources for students, instructors, and industry professionals.
The content of the fifth edition has been compartmentalized to make the book easier to use in the classroom and as a self-study guide. Part one, The product and the process, covers topics that are relevant to those who plan, manage, and control software projects. Part three, conventional menthods for software engineering, considers the traditional analysis, design, testing, and metrics. Part five, advanced software engineering topics, includes dedicated chapters that address formal methods, cleanroom software engineering, component-based development, client server software engineering, web engineering, reengineering, and CASE.



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