Kode Buku : 240014
Kode Klasifikasi : 004
Judul Buku : Fundamentals of deep learning : designing next-generation machine intelligence algorithms
Edisi : 2
Penulis : Nithin Buduma, Nikhil Buduma dan Joe Papa
Penerbit : Oreilly
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2022
ISBN : 978-1-492-08218-7
Tajuk Subjek : Deep Learning
Deskripsi : ix, 372 hlm. ; ind., ill., 25 cm
Eksemplar : 4
Stok : 4
Petugas Input : Sofia Nurani, S.Hum
We're in the midst of an AI research explosion. Deep learning has unlocked superhuman perception to power our push toward creating self-driving vehicles, defeating human experts at a variety of difficult games including Go, and even generating essays with shockingly coherent prose. But deciphering these breakthroughs often takes a PhD in machine learning and mathematics.

The updated second edition of this book describes the intuition behind these innovations without jargon or complexity. Python-proficient programmers, software engineering professionals, and computer science majors will be able to reimplement these breakthroughs on their own and reason about them with a level of sophistication that rivals some of the best developers in the field.
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