Kode Buku : 220538
Kode Klasifikasi : 425
Judul Buku : A practical english grammar
Edisi : Fourth
Penulis : Thomson, A. J. dan Martinet A. V.
Penerbit : Oxford University Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1986
ISBN : 0-19-431348-4
Tajuk Subjek : English Grammar
Deskripsi : 383 hlm.
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas Input : Sausan Elsya Pratiwi, S.IP
A Practical English Grammar has now been revised and reissue d in a fourth edition. The text has been rewritten in many places to bring it up to date. Some material has been rearraged to make it simpler for the reader to compared related topics. There is fresh or fuller treatment of many subject, notable in the chapters on nouns, adjectives, adverbs, propositions, conjuctions, auxiliary verbs, the infinitive and the passive. A new index contains many more entries and now includes references to every important structural word. These changes, and an improved design, make A Practical English Grammar more informative and easier to consult than ever.
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